XPS for Beginners

Data Analysis 1

Open the dataset by downloading from the link above and opening in CasaXPS.

  1. Load the correct library file (CasaXPS_kratos.lib)
  2. Display the sample names using edit mode
  3. Overlay the C 1s spectra
  4. Find the X-ray source used to record the data
  5. Overlay and normalise Urea and PVP

To load the library file, first open the library window by clicking the menu button (1) or pressing F10. Next, go to input file (2) and click ‘Browse Library Directory (3). Select the Kratos library file (4) and click ‘select (5), then load (6). You’re all done!


Toggle the ‘edit mode’ button to turn on and off sample names.


To overlay an entire column of spectra, first click the column header (1) to highlight all of the blocks in this column. Then click overlay (2) – or press F2.


To find the X-ray source, open the block of interest (double click on any of the vamas blocks on the right hand pane) and open the ‘Source and Analyzer information’ box


Use the CTRL key to highlight multiple vamas blocks (1) (in this case, we want to select Urea and PVP C 1s blocks). Click the overlay spectra function (2) and then use the ‘normalise function’ (3) to toggle normalisation. Clicking this multiple time will change the normalisation between ‘no normalisation’, ‘normalise to a single energy (used to normalise to a baseline, hold shift and left mouse click anywhere on the spectra to change the point of normalisation – try normalising to a point before and after the peaks to see the difference), and ‘min-to-max normalisation’ (normalise peak area).


Note that the normalisation button may be greyed out at first – you need to click on the spectra to open the button for use.