
Doublet Separations

  • Mo 3d: 3.2 eV
  • Mo 3p: 17.4 eV
  • Mo 4p: 2.1 eV

The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!


  • Mo 3s: 505 eV
  • Mo 3p: 393 eV
  • Mo 3d: 227 eV
  • Mo 4s: 62 eV
  • Mo 4p: 35 eV
  • Mo 4d: 2 eV
Molybdenum Wide Spectra
Molybdenum metal survey scan (Al ka X-rays)

The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!

Mo is primarily analyzed via the 3d orbital

  • Ce 4p (224 eV)
  • Nd 4p (225 eV)
  • S 2s (229 eV)
  • Th 5p (229 eV)
  • Ta 4d (230 eV)
  • Cs 4s (231 eV)
  • Se 3s (232 eV)
  • Fr 5s (234 eV)
  • Pm 4p (237 eV)
  • Pr 4p (237 eV)
  • Rn 4f (238 eV)
  • Rb 3p (239 eV)
Molybdenum 3d peak overlaps
Mo 3d region for MoO3, identifying peak overlaps in XPS

Energies listed are Kinetic Energies!


Mo MNN: ~ 186 eV

The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!

Species Binding energy / eV Charge Ref Ref
Mo(0) 227 Au 4f (83 eV) 1
Moδ+ 228.7 C 1s (284.8 eV) 2
MoO2 (Mo 4+) 230.0 ± 0.1 C 1s (284.8 eV) 2
Mo (5+) 231.0 ± 0.1 C 1s (284.8 eV) 2
MoO3 (Mo 6+) 232.45 ± 0.15 C 1s (284.8 eV) 2
MoCl3 229 Au 4f (83 eV) 1
MoCl4 229.6 Au 4f (83 eV) 1
MoCl5 230 Au 4f (83 eV) 1
MoS2 228.1 Au 4f (83 eV) 1
MoSe2 227.3 Au 4f (83 eV) 1
Common Molybdenum Binding Energies

Molybdenum, a transition metal, exhibits various oxidation states, commonly Mo(0), Mo(IV), and Mo(VI), which can be distinguished by their unique binding energies in the XPS spectra. The Mo 3d core level is particularly significant, with the 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 peaks providing detailed information about the chemical state and environment of molybdenum atoms. For instance, Mo metal typically shows a binding energy around 228.0 eV for the Mo 3d5/2 peak, while MoO₂ and MoO₃ exhibit binding energies around 229.5 eV and 233.1 eV, respectively. The analysis of these peaks can reveal insights into the oxidation state, chemical composition, and potential surface reactions of molybdenum-containing materials. Additionally, factors such as Coster-Kronig broadening and the presence of overlapping peaks from other elements (e.g., sulfur in MoS₂) must be considered for accurate interpretation. This makes XPS a powerful tool for studying the surface properties and chemical behaviour of molybdenum in various applications, from catalysis to electronic materials.

Molybdenum XPS analysis is typically performed on the 3d region (Figure 1). This region commonly overlaps with the S 2s region, which may complicate the deconvolution of molybdenum sulfates. Additional regions which may overlap with the Mo 3d region include Ta 4d, Cs 4s, Se 3s and Ce 4p (only slightly, but record an extended region to the low binding energy side to aid deconvolution). The peaks have a reasonable doublet separation of 3.15 eV.

Figure 1: Mo metal XPS spectra(3)

Figure 1: Mo metal XPS spectra(1)

As can be seen in figure 1, the peaks of Mo metal are asymmetric in shape, however the oxides will possess a symmetric shape.


Mo 3d overlaps with S 2s, so if modelling MoS2 materials, this intensity must be accounted for when modelling Mo states.

Not available

  1. Grim, Samuel O., and Luis J. Matienzo. “X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of inorganic and organometallic compounds of molybdenum.” Inorganic chemistry 14.5 (1975): 1014-1018. Read it online here.
  2. Choi, J-G., and L. T. Thompson. “XPS study of as-prepared and reduced molybdenum oxides.” Applied surface science 93.2 (1996): 143-149. Read it online here.
  3. Spectra recorded by HarwellXPS
  4. Werfel, F. and E. Minni (1983). “Photoemission study of the electronic structure of Mo and Mo oxides.” Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 16(31): 6091. Read it online here.