Doublet Separations
- Rb 3d: 1 eV
- Rb 3d: 9.6 eV
The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!
- Rb 3s: 322 eV
- Rb 3p: 239 eV
- Rd 3d: 112 eV
The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!
Rb is primarily analyzed via the 3d orbital
- Te 4p (110 eV)
- Cd 4d (111 eV)
- Be 1s (111.8 eV)
- Ni 3s (112 eV)
- Pr 4d (114 eV)
- Tl 4f (117 eV)
- Nd 4d (118 eV)
- Al 2s (119 eV)
Energies listed are Kinetic Energies!
Rb MNN: ~ 75 eV
The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!
Rubidium is known to exhibit some Coster-Kronig transitions, however these all exist in the L-shell and should not impact analysis unless specifically looking at higher energy orbitals using HAXPES.
Rubidium deposited onto material surfaces to study alkali behaviour may potentially desorb under radiative stimuli (i.e. light), which is dependant on energy. Care should be taken to avoid excessive exposure to such sources.(3)
Rubidium is highly reactive, and can form compounds with chamber gases, even under ultra-high vacuum.
Rubidium has a relatively small doublet separation, so fitting multiple state of overlapping species requires high quality spectra.
Not available
Not available
- Ebbinghaus, G., and A. Simon. “Electronics structures of Rb, Cs and some of their metallic oxides studied by photoelectron spectroscopy.” Chemical Physics 43.1 (1979): 117-133. Read it online here.
- Morgan, Wayne E., John R. Van Wazer, and Wojciech J. Stec. “Inner-orbital photoelectron spectroscopy of the alkali metal halides, perchlorates, phosphates, and pyrophosphates.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 95.3 (1973): 751-755. Read it online here.