
Doublet Separations

  • Xe 3d: 12.6 eV

The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!


  • Xe 3s: 1148 eV
  • Xe 3p: 940 eV
  • Xe 3d: 672 eV
  • Xe 4s: 210 eV
  • Xe 4p: 147 eV
  • Xe 4d: 63 eV
  • Xe 5s: 18 eV
  • Xe 5p: 7 eV

The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!

Xe is primarily analyzed via the 3d orbital

  • Pd 3s: 670 eV
  • Sm MNN (Al source) (672 eV)
  • Ac 4d (675 eV
  • Hg 4p (677 eV)
  • Th 4d (677 eV)
  • Bi 4p (679 eV)
  • F 1s (686 eV)

Energies listed are Kinetic Energies!


Xe MNN: ~ 530 eV

The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!

Species Binding energy / eV Charge Ref Ref
Xe (gas phase) 676.4   1
Xe (implanted – Si) 668.7 – 669.3 (dependant on implantation energy) Si(O2) 2p (103 eV) 1
Common Antimony Binding Energies
Xenon photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as photoemission of adsorbed xenon (PAX), is a surface science technique that uses the core level binding energies of adsorbed xenon atoms to probe the local electrostatic potential of a surface.(2) Because xenon is a noble gas, it does not form chemical bonds with the substrate, making it sensitive to the physical rather than chemical characteristics of the surface.(3) Here’s how Xe XPS is used to physically characterize solids:
Local Work Function Measurements: The binding energy of a core level of Xe adsorbed on a surface is directly related to the local work function of the adsorption site. Different surface sites with varying electrostatic potentials will exhibit different binding energies in the Xe XPS spectrum.(4)
The shift in binding energy (ΔE) between two sites corresponds to the difference in their local work functions (Δφ): ΔE = -Δφ.(5)
Surface Heterogeneity Detection: Because Xe is sensitive to local variations in work function, it can be used to identify different adsorption sites on heterogeneous surfaces. These sites include steps, kinks, terraces, defects, and edges of islands on single crystal surfaces, as well as different crystal planes on polycrystalline surfaces.
The technique can distinguish between different crystal planes of many metals and between defect and regular sites on single-crystal metal surfaces.(3)

General Xe XPS

If analysing the Xe 4p region, be aware that with an Al ka source, the MNN auger will directly overlap this region.

PAX Experiments:

Low Temperatures: Experiments are typically performed at low temperatures (60-90K) to ensure that Xe is physisorbed (weakly bonded) to the surface and that adsorption occurs layer by layer.
Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV): Experiments are performed in UHV to avoid contamination.
Xe 5p Levels: The Xe 5p1/2 and 5p3/2 levels are typically the most closely analysed in these studies (partly to permit the use of UPS in analysis).
Sensitivity: The method is very sensitive to variations in the local surface potential.
Lateral Resolution: The lateral resolution of the method is limited by the size of the xenon atom (approximately 4.4 angstroms).
Quantitative Analysis: The analysis is based on the measured intensity of the 5p1/2 peak, since the 5p3/2 peak can be affected by the surface structure.(2)

PAX Experiments

5p₁/₂ Peak for Quantitative Measurements: The 5p₁/₂ peak is often preferred for quantitative analysis because it corresponds to only one photoelectron state and is well-approximated by a single Lorentzian function The 5p₃/₂ peak, however, is broader and may exhibit site-specific shape variations. The 5p₃/₂ peak is actually a superposition of two peaks corresponding to different magnetic quantum numbers, which can complicate analysis. In some cases the 5p₃/₂ peak can be split, providing additional information about the Xe overlayer, which is important in distinguishing 2D gas and 2D solid phases.(2)

Not available

  1. Barbieri, P. F., R. Landers, and F. C. Marques. “Electronic and structural properties of implanted xenon in amorphous silicon.” Applied physics letters 90.16 (2007). Read it online here.
  2. Jablonski, A., and K. Wandelt. “Quantitative aspects of ultraviolet photoemission of adsorbed xenon—a review.” Surface and interface analysis 17.9 (1991): 611-627. Read it online here.
  3. Kim, K. S., et al. “Photoemission studies of physisorbed xenon atoms on ruthenium/copper surfaces.” Journal of Physical Chemistry 91.9 (1987): 2337-2342. Read it online here.
  4. Guevremont, J. M., D. R. Strongin, and M. A. A. Schoonen. “Effects of surface imperfections on the binding of CH3OH and H2O on FeS2 (100): Using adsorbed Xe as a probe of mineral surface structure.” Surface Science 391.1-3 (1997): 109-124. Read it online here.
  5. Wandelt, K. “The local work function: Concept and implications.” Applied surface science 111 (1997): 1-10. Read it online here.

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Welcome to HarwellXPS Guru – a doorway to XPS enlightenment. So what is this site? X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), is a powerful tool for the study [...]

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Angle Resolved XPS (ARXPS)

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Auger-Meitner Process and Peaks

Auger emissions are a secondary electron process

Avantage Resource Centre

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Background Types

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CasaXPS Resource Centre

CasaXPS Resource Centre CasaXPS is possibly the most widely used software for fitting XPS data, developed by Neal Fairley. You can find bountiful resources for CasaXPS [...]


How do we analyse cerium by XPS?


CesiumDoublet Separations Doublet Separations Cs 3d: 14 eV  Cs 3p: 68 eV Cs 4d: 2.3 eV Cs 4p: 11.1 eV Cs 5p: 1.9 eV Available Photoemissions [...]


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Coster-Kronig Transmissions in XPS

Coster-Kronig transitions cause unequal broadening in spin-orbit doublets

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Data Analysis 5 – Doublets in XPS

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Data Analysis 6 – Asymmetry and Line shapes

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Data Analysis 7 – Quantification

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Data Analysis 8 – Exporting and Presenting

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Data Analysis for Beginners

Welcome to the HarwellXPS course – Data Analysis for beginners. Here we will be running through everything you need to get you started on your journey [...]


DysprosiumDoublet Separations Doublet Separations Dy 3d: 40 eV Dy 4s: 6.4 eV Dy 5s: 2.7 eV Available Photoemissions and Energies The Energies Listed are Binding Energies! [...]

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Experimental Reporting

Correct reporting of experimental parameters


FluorineElementsOxygenOxygen (Organics and Polymers)ZirconiumZincYttriumYtterbiumXenonVanadiumUraniumTungstenTitaniumTinTelluriumSulfurStrontiumSodiumSilverSiliconSeleniumScandiumSamariumRutheniumRubidiumRhodiumRheniumPraseodymiumPotassiumPlatinumPhosphorusPalladiumOxygen (Metal Oxides)NitrogenNickelMolybdenumManganeseMagnesiumLithiumLeadLanthanumIronGalliumGoldFluorineDysprosiumCopperCobaltChlorineCesiumCeriumCarbonCadmiumBromineBoronBismuthBerylliumBariumArsenicAntimonyAmericiumAluminiumArgonDoublet Separations Doublet Separations No non S-orbital emissions Available Photoemissions and Energies The Energies Listed are Binding Energies!   F 1s: [...]


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Getting Started & What is next

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Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (ISS) / Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS)

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KherveFitting Resource Centre

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Multiplet splitting of s-orbitals in first row transition metals

Rare multiplet splitting of S-orbitals may yield additional insights into chemical environments


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Oxygen (Metal Oxides)

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Oxygen (Organics and Polymers)

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Pass Energy

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Peak Asymmetry in Conducting Materials

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Photoionisation Cross Sections

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Plasmon Loss

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XPS Analysis Software The following links are to software required for XPS data analysis, modelling and simulation. CasaXPS – The software we use at HarwellXPS. Note [...]

Spin-Orbit Splitting

Spin-orbit splitting causes doublets in XPS


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The Photoelectric Effect

The Photoelectric effect underpins the entire field of XPS


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What affects photoelectron energies?

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What causes the backgrounds in XPS?

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What intra- and inter-atomic processes can affect XPS peaks?

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What is XPS?

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Why do we get doublet peaks?

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X-ray Source Energies

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XPS for Beginners

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XPS Transmission Function

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